The road to TED – part 3 – getting to work

December 14, 2011

(Link to the first part)
I have begun making a list of all that I would need to do till the event and I got scared..
So, I have decided to manage the process as I learned when managing projects – using a Gantt diagram.
Hoping I would succeed arranging all the tasks, starting with important things like constructing the presentation, things like logistics and flights and to the less important things such as what to wear.
This is how it looks:
I’ve decided to add a category which is named “inspiration” with a list of people I would love to talk to. The list is mainly of Israeli TED speakers, and the most popular TED speakers ever (I guess I will attempt a skype with them). Do you have any ideas who else I should meet?
Today an e-mail came in containing the detailed schedule for TED2012.
If I had thought it was just about presentations, I was wrong.
It begins with a Master Class and Speed Meetings with the different TED participants. Every night there is a party or a different Gala event, and at the end there is a Farewell Picnic.
When I’m invited to a Picnic I always ask what to bring with?
This time I am bringing my brain. I hope that’s enough…
E-mails keep coming to my inbox… this time the title is “Speaker Art Project”.
“Inside out” is an art project which turns peoples identities to work of art (here’s a link to the project).
The project is lead by the French artist JR who has won TED’s annual award.
If you are interested in photography or want to see how art can make a real change, I would highly recommend watching his great TED talk:
Anyway, instead of a normal profile picture, the TED team asks each speaker to take a photo in light of this project and make a face that can be anything but the smile of a standard passport photo.
Here are a few samples:
At the end they write this:
“We’ll use these photos in the conference program guide and on giant posters around the conference venue.”
A huge poster with my face on it?
I guess someone should have taken my photo when I got this e-mail
I met the photographer Meir Pinto by chance, and I asked him if he would assist with the photo. He agreed immediately, and for that I thank him.
I will publish the photos soon, and I would love your help in choosing the photo to send abroad.
Thank you.