It’s time to wake up

July 17, 2011

by LIOR ZOREF @lior


Let me start with a confession – I love American Idol (and the Israeli version – A star is born).

There is something amazing in the journey people go through as they make their dreams come true. 

Every time that the camera shows the contestants behind the scene just before they get on stage, I remembered how I felt just before I got on stage the TED auditions… My heart was beating so fast, I felt excitement mixed with fear and expectations… 

Here is a movie that tells the story of a young man going through the same experience in the UK. 

[The video is not available]

This film was created as a crowdsourcing project managed by mofilm in collaboration with the Cannes Lions advertising festival. Here is a link for more interesting films.

As the French poet, Paul Valery said: “The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up”…

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